Grab our special Cynosura Cyber Security Health Check for only $199 !!!
Each business we deal with is structured and operates differently according to the industry, size and type of cloud-based software in use. Therefore, we need to understand your business first to understand your degree of risk and exposure.
In this Cyber Security Health Check Cynosura will:
- Give you an assessment of where your open doors and windows exist that will give hackers access and what you should implement to mitigate your risks
- Provide a Cyber Defence Plan outline we recommend giving you full protection which we can then work with you to ensure you have the best protection according to your budget
Note:Take the $199 off the cost of any full audit, software or hardware you need to buy which can then be claimed as a tax deduction or asset write off
This Cynosura Cyber Security Health Check will enable you to be far more informed about your situation with the next steps to take to protect your business