How Accountants and Lawyers can Use Your Cyber Security
Compliance to Your Advantage
It’s the word Accountants and Lawyers hate most, “Compliance” with all the work required to ensure that you are running your business in line with either an existing or new law.
We know most of you reading this are aware of the new Data Breaching Laws that were legislated in February 2018 but being aware is NOT enough.
And we know that you are aware that there are things you must be doing to become compliant, but you still haven’t got around to it as it’s a chore.
Although compliance laws exist to protect both employers and employees, they draw possibly the most complaints of any corporate requirement.
But in this instance the new Data Breach Laws also protect your client’s data-remember the very sensitive data they TRUST you to protect.
Compliance is not optional, however, and can even do a lot of good, including preventing cybercrime.
Rather than complain if you can look past the chore of doing what is necessary to become cyber security compliant there is several ways you can use this to your advantage
An accounting practice or law firm that can offer advice and new services under the umbrella of cyber-security where real time advice and help can be given when a customer’s data has been compromised increases your value.
For those accountancy practices and legal firms who do the work to become compliant and then go one step further to market the proof of how your practice is safe and secure, the trust that will convey will become a powerful tool that you can use to win over new business and retain existing clients
Compliance as previously stated exists to protect employers and employees. However, taking this one step further employees respect employers who demonstrate leadership and cultivate a culture of compliance through demonstrating that they take the safety of their employee’s data seriously by creating incident response plans, investing in staff training and owning the responsibility.
Staff will leave if you suffer a breach. Its as simple as that and it WILL cost you!
One cyber security challenge currently faced by lawyers and accountants is the complex web of relationships with multiple, different-sized suppliers, some of which do not have to comply with privacy law, but which offer services businesses like yours that do.
As law firms or accountancy practices suffer a cyber- attack, any supplier affected will leave to work with more compliant accounting practice or lawyer firm.
Technology is a fast paced and ever-changing world where hackers are finding new inventive ways to get their hands on your data. This means the likelihood of breach will never go away.
When this happens the Data Breach laws WILL come after to you to BITE you IF you cannot demonstrate that you have been compliant consistently. Its not a matter of set and forget.
Through partnering with us we will ensure the responsibility you carry is not compromised.
We will work with you to ensure you are compliant, fully briefed on new cyber-attack methods and that you install the most cutting-edge products to protect your business.